Pavlina Fichta Cierna: Vertraute Orte
An intervention in the streets of the Volkert- and Alliiertenviertel
Vertraute Orte: Via marks in the streets, Pavlina Fichta Cierna traces the individual paths of some residents she has met and interviewed about their everyday lives; she locates their haunts and enters into houses and buildings characteristic for their life context. Starting from Volkertplatz, especially marked paths guide – like hiking trails – through the streets. |
Pavlína Fíchta Cierna
Geboren 1967 Zilina (CSSR). Lebt und arbeitet in Rosina (SK). Ausstellungen (Auswahl): 2006 Bird's-eye view, Gandy Gallery, Bratislava, (SK), Positioning, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokio (J). 2005 International Biennial of Contemporary Art, National Gallery, Prag (CZ). 2004 We are what we are, Aspects of Roma Life in Contemporary Art, <rotor > Association for contemporary art, Graz (A), Check Slovakia! Junge Kunst aus der Slowakei, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin (D).