Bräuhausspitz Project

(working title)

Object or permanent installation

Location: turnoff Bräuhausgasse from the Margaretenstraße, 1050 Vienna
Start of realization planned: spring 2007

limited competition


Andreas Fogarasi

Born in Vienna (A) in 1977
1996 -1999 University of Applied Arts Vienna (A) (Architecture)
1999 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna (A) (Renée Green, Concept Art)
2005 MAK - Schindler Scholarship in architecture, Mackay Apartment House, Los Angeles (USA); lives and works in Vienna (A)

The artist pleads for a rereading of the current transformation processes and forms of the appropriation of urban space. With his analytically well-founded and conceptually formulated environments he generates compressions of the stylistic and cultural codes that shape urban life.

Solo Exhibitions (Selection):
2005 "Westen (aka Osten)", Grazer Kunstverein, Graz (A)
2003 "Welcome to Regions", Display Gallery, Prague
"A ist der Name für ein Modell / Étrangement proche", Offspace, Vienna (A)
2002 "Kultúrapark", Stúdió Galéria, Budapest (HU)
Culture Park Galerie 5020 Salzburg (A)
Group Exhibitions (Selection):
2006 "Geschichte(n) vor Ort. An exhibition in public space around Volkertplatz", Vienna (A)
2005 "Re:Modern", Künstlerhaus, Vienna (A)
"Brutal Ornamental”, Galerie Kosak Hall, Vienna (A)
2004 "Formate - (re)constructing the city”, Galeria Noua, Bucharest (RO)
2003 "Gravitation”, Moszkva tér / Museum Ludwig, Budapest (HU)
2000 "block”, Apex Art, New York (USA)

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